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Tuesday, August 17

Whats On Your Mind?

Those are a few words that I see on many spaces. Not the same words - but similar.  Facebook, Twiite and Buzz I just keep shifting between these 3. And My mind keeps shunting with me.

But really, I have nothing much to say these days. My mind works just the way it ought to - while at work think of work. While at home think of home -  which means zilch. Nothing. There is nothing up there these days. No wonderful thoughts, no questions to ponder, no answers to give.

Do I dislike it - I don't know. I dont. I dont want to. I am here because I think I wanted to be. And now that I am here, what would it make me if I said - I hate it? So, I dont. I am dead brained - and loving it!

So, yes, answer to that question is - really - I forgot I had a mind in the first place.

Thank you!