Things I discovered about my self - quick recall
Some scary stuff...
Some scary stuff...
- That I am full of insecurities, that pull me back from experiencing new places, meeting new people and having new experiences.
- That in a new land, things that I rebelled against became my blanket of comfort and guidance
- That I am quite dependent on others opinion.
- That I am really a chatter/chatty person. And I have a lot of curiosity about others - which i must get to know of - even if that means asking weird or irrelevant questions.
- That unlike a lot of people out there, I am not a firm believer in dividing chores between spouses equally.
- That I dont like Ice cream as much as I thought I did.
- That I am still not a good listener.
- That I am very connected with my 'family' back home, and need to be close to them or in touch with them. - That if I do something again and again, repeatedly, a number of times - I become an expert at it.
- That I have inhibitions, and I feel that I am not good enough and am very very critical about my self and my achievements.
- That I do not know myself as well as I thought I did.
- That I am a good student, a good researcher.
- That my favorite shop is Hobby Lobby
- That I want to have a shop/studio of my own one day.
- That I love vacuuming my house twice a week at least.
- That I am a good room mate and do well with people around.
- That I love a pretty tree outside my window
- That I love being in the kitchen.
- That I love wearing nice, really nice clothes.
- That when I am left to be on my own, I am very peaceful person. And that I do very well with calm
- That marriages can be happy - and that I am living one every day. And that I should be grateful.
- That I really really love sunshine. But also believe in curtains!
That I am ambitious professionally, and being a home-maker is not my thing. (Sorry Dad!) - That photography is not just a hobby for me, its my way of liking myself: its a necessity.
- I cannot live in a world disconnected. I like my phone, and my laptop - thank you!
- That my body can dance and move and enjoy it.