And it was suddenly decided that We 'Bhumi' would go to Warangal for
Rakesh's Bro's wedding. I was lucky this time as there was Kaddu for company. Things happened quite fast and quickly and the next thing I knew was being doled into Rahul's car with Harish... Looong drive on looong stretch of this snaking road that just kept going on and on and... We followed. :)
The drive was everything that most of the long drives with friends are :) Lots of laughs, and songs and karaoke and 'loose control!!' Some rather funny moments some fights over what songs should play and some scary-touch-me-not leg-pulling.
Great scenery - I swear Andhra roads are in such good condition when compared to other states. NH 202 took us through Hyderabad the city, to small towns and then villages, and lots of fields and smaller bleak and obsolete villages (This time there was lot of cotton growing apart from the usual wheat and rice.)

Starting early in the morning around 7 we reached Warangal at 11. A quick shower and change of clothes saw us
transform from Wannabes and cool dudes to kurta pajama and suit clad good homey people. The wedding was way over by the time we finally parked our car. Such a different feeling to attend a small-town-wedding. Everyone who is anyone must have been there. Small delights watching girls in langa odni :) and flowers... Its been so long since i saw people adorn flowers as ornaments. And Indian Flowers to be precise - Wild roses and jasmine - No hybrid lot there!
Lapping on the food and then again we were off to
Lakhnavaram. An obsolete lake (still not on Google maps) some 60 kms from warangal took us by surprise. If we NH 202 had taken us from cities through towns and villages. We now reached great expance of fields in varied colors and just a house between them. Barn owls and little birds the kallu man and his pots on the trees was a delight in every sight.

Lakhnavaram, was the icing. The fresh inviting water and the autumn leaves that caught to the trees for their lives with beautiful colors of autumn on display. The water all around and the sunset was just the most picture perfect and meditative moment I have ever lived in.
the tranquility and the stillness in the moments can be felt even when hooligans around :)

Dips in the water and lots of masti later we finally had to leave that beautiful place. It hurt to find out that the government has plans of commercializing the place. What about the stillness? The cleanliness in the air and the beauty in everything? Paved roads and ticket counters are most appealing to some I guess!

The drive that followed is forever etched in my mid. Stimulating
talks over heart of the matter things with Mujeeb driving the car with kaddu in the navigators seat :) I have an uncanny feeling that I a car person, be it driving, or traveling. I love cars and its like a basic instinct come alive - especially on highways. Thanks Dad! For taking us all over the world in your four wheels. :)
We stayed at the guest house of the National Institute of Tech. Warangal - Perks of having a friend who is an alumni. The night was still young I guess, cause what followed was tuned guitar and percussion and songgggsss... :) Thats how that one day ended. :)
The next day we explored the
Thousand Pillar Temple, the Warangal fort (drive through). My cam was sadly not available as I had no battery! So... Sony ericson phone sufficed to leave us some memories. That evening we left in a bus. Bringing our all too lively jaunt to an end.. leadng us back into the world of noice and cars and the usual city ramble. Hmmpff What a week it was! :)
Louly place, Louly people, And Louve! :) What more can someone ask for?